Monday, December 13, 2010

Collateral Murder

And America waged an illegal war against Iraq on the flimsy premise of finding weapons of mass destruction and bringing freedom and democracy to Iraqi's and this is what they're really up to??!!
I'm appalled and this kind of barbarism makes me sick to the stomach. "You're either with us or against us"....Ffffffffff!! The American administration is a morally reprehensible, double-speaking, fascist regime who don't deserve our leaders' blind obedience. I say we should cut our ties with them, set our own agendas about the kind of world we live in and leave them to their inevitable collapse..

Julian Assange, of Wikileaks who released this video along with the host of other classified material did so out of moral outrage and out of social responsibility. The fact that he has now been jailed under false pretenses without charge due to American political pressure [when there is no law that he is known to be in violation of] is further evidence of America's moral culpability and illegality. They do not deserve the power that they have assumed in the world and it is now time for the people to take it from them and hold them accountable.

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