Thursday, November 3, 2011

Organic Lovemaking

The Recipe. Great sex and a great meal share very much in common. Both nourish the body and soul whilst requiring a well chosen mix of the right ingredients.
A memorable meal risks becoming boring or bland if used over and over with no variation. The same goes for a particularly good session of lovemaking with regard to positions used, location, time of day etc.
When a particular ingredient is used to excess, it may ruin what otherwise might have been delicious, for example, a slap placed too forcefully on the derriere or too much salt added to the dish.
Likewise an essential ingredient left out of a "classic" can result in a similar shortcoming, for example, a basil pesto with no garlic or a long session of cunnilingus with no attention to the clitoris.
Varying the diet and using what is in season are equally important. Asparagus in it's prime is a delight but can be woody and limp toward the end of its harvest. Ice cubes can be employed in a manner of titillating ways on a sultry Summer's day, but are not recommended mid winter!
A slow cooked stew left simmering all day to marinate and fully extract all flavors when time allows is so, so satisfying. Just as a protracted lovemaking session with drawn out foreplay employing all of your skills with a succession of peaks and troughs before a knee trembling climax, satiates.
Sometimes fast food is just the quick fix required and is fantastically rewarding. That spontaneous ‘quickie’ before you’re both discovered can be similarly satisfying.
Experiment and improvise. It doesn't matter if you omit one or two ingredients from a particular recipe if the circumstance does not allow. If the outcome is far from satisfactory have a laugh, move on and create your own recipe. In this instance resort to some good ol' comfort food like boiled eggs , a cuddle or a bit of spooning. Bon Apetit.......

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